THE SELF SERIES II: The Wise Self, Part 1

Health is the ability to stand in the spaces between realities without losing any of them. This is what I believe self-acceptance means and what creativity is really all about—the ability to feel like oneself while being many. —Phillip Bromberg, Standing in the Spaces...

THE SELF SERIES I: Superordinate Self

The self is our only natural means to know the mind. —Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to Mind The most powerful force of the human psyche is that whenever we make a change or do something different, we inevitably return to our core identity unless we evolve that identify...

Framing Decisions and Tax Refunds

This is found money. I have to blow it on a horse. —George Costanza, Seinfeld. How we frame an issue determines how we think about it and the meaning we attach. A dollar is treated differently depending on its context. Found money—in a forgotten coat pocket, an...

How We Decide: The Decision Science of Everyday Life

To move people effectively and powerfully requires seeing them as a participant and a collaborator. Here’s what happens when you don’t do that. People consult a physician when they’re afraid, and often in pain. Fewer than 50% of people who get a prescription from this...

Not Yet: On the Neuroscience of Converting Periods to Commas

We each have a personal narrative that shapes our view of ourselves and of the world. Our inner voices can be expansive or limiting. Neuroscience research demonstrates that we can change our perceptions of ourselves, both mind and brain, to create possibilities rather...

Unconscious Biases: On My Early Diversity Training

Frankly, there isn’t anyone you couldn’t learn to love once you’ve heard their story. —Mr. Rogers At about age 8, my daughter began to join me on her bicycle on weekends when I would jog the neighborhood. It was a uniquely special time for me, and we...