J. K. Rowling said, “There is an expiring date on blaming your parents for criticizing you for going the wrong direction.”

Acceptance—and especially forgiveness—in order to claim all your present energy and attention is a vital component to write a new life story. In the present moment whatever you think, feel, and experience is what you actively create. This recognition requires ownership and present responsibility for that story.

In adulthood, everything you experience you either create or accept.

But, positive thinking in itself doesn’t reprogram beliefs. Positive thoughts are generated in the conscious mind. Using positive self-talk in order to change behavior will have the same impact as talking positively to a software program on your computer in order to change it. You have to know how to revise the software. You have to know what to do with the old program as well as how to write a new one. And you may need a guide.


Excerpted and adapted from Live a New Life Story™:
The Owner’s Guide by David Krueger MD,

curriculum for New Life StoryCoaches Training.
Visit www.NewLifeStoryCoaching.com and www.NewWellnessStory.com